Finland’s Government Support for Civilian Shooting: A Step in the Right Direction the U.S. Should Take

“Well, the reservists are ready and willing, if Russkies are coming. They will be a big help for the regular army,” Saro declared. “If there will be new shooting ranges opened, the main reason is just to be ready and practice. It is pretty similar to our Civil Guard that was active before the wars. Then, besides reservist and military, there are hunters.” [More]

Yes, there’s plenty wrong with their “gun control” laws. That doesn’t mean we can’t learn from what they do right.

Playing the Percentages

However, the recent investigation by the Second Amendment Foundation revealed that 97Percent supports bans on “assault weapons,” standard-capacity magazines, and bump stocks and has called for permits to carry, purchase, and even possess firearms. It supports mandatory background checks and mandatory storage laws and claims the Second Amendment is “overprotected.” [More]

Welcome to the party, pals.

Challenge to Illinois Assault Weapon Ban Includes Militia Considerations in Right to Arms

“If courts continue to operate under the misimpression that the right to keep and bear arms protects only neutered firearms like break-barrel shotguns and bolt-action hunting rifles, the Second Amendment will offer little but a parchment barrier against tyranny,” the GOA petition correctly observes. [More]

It’s a necesary legal hurdle to clear if gun owners ever hope to challenge the constitutionality of the National Firearms Act.

Right to Arms for Illegal Aliens a Red Herring to Distract from Real Issue

But again, it’s the wrong question. What should be asked is “Why is a known illegal alien allowed to remain in the United States instead of being deported?” [More]

“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.” (Thomas Pynchon/”Gravity’s Rainbow”)

ATF Given an Inch, Takes a Mile

NSSF Complains There’s Not Enough ‘Gun Control’

Simply put, “gun control” doesn’t work, and it’s astounding that the head of the firearms manufacturer trade association is publicly insisting that it does. [More]

Industry CYA at the expense of our rights is unacceptable.

Swiss Shooting Culture ‘Documentary’ Reinforces False Narrative to Justify ‘Gun Control’

It would help if he didn’t automatically buy into prohibitionist propaganda, but by doing so he relieves us of the obligation to take him as an impartial and objective observer. [More]

Why is there such a difference in the numbers and rates of violent crimes betweeen two armed cultures? Hint: It ain’t because of “gun control” laws.

Supreme Court Back-and-Forth on Bump Stocks Creates Nail-Biter Anticipation

This pretty much defined the day. Those expecting a Second Amendment defense decrying Chevron deference overreach instead heard the justices trying to grasp competing definitions of “function of a trigger” along with scenarios unlikely to persuade judges who equate “common use” with widespread commercial popularity. [More]

You were expecting a slam dunk…?

‘Paramilitary Ban’ Just Another Democrat Plot to Secure Monopoly of Violence

The issue as far as Raskin and Markey’s latest affront to liberty goes, is that nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government delegated authority to ban paramilitary activities. They are usurping power – or trying to. And though Raskin cites authority including the Supreme Court’s admission in Heller “that the Second Amendment ‘does not prevent the prohibition of private paramilitary organizations,’” it would be interesting to see how that would hold up against the more recent Bruen standard of the understanding at the time of the Founding. Especially noting historical examples like Allen, or more to the point, Capt. John Parker at Lexington Green… [More]

“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for few public officials,” George Mason asked and answered. Curious, how public officials are bent on destroying that…

On Being Necessary

Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 Words: Why We Need Our State Second Amendment Militias Back in Force and Effect [More]

Some of us have been saying that for a while, and wondering when the “gun rights groups” are going to give it some of the attention they devote exclusively to “self-defense.”

I have another Firearms News article coming out soon on efforts to ban “private paramilitary” activities.

[Via bondmen]

Trump/NRA Mutual Love Fest: Long on Promises, Short on Memory

The former president and — legal challenges aside — presumed GOP contender for the office in November, knew just which buttons to push to stoke the boundless enthusiasm of the thousands of supporters. [More]

This is what we’ve got to work with. And work we must.

LaPierre Made a Career of Second Amendment Compromises

Yet the NRA under LaPierre was instrumental in urging its members to give power to politicians they knew would end up working against them, and then either acted surprised when it happened or just ignored it when it did. [More]

Ever notice how those who say “Politics is the art of the possible” are always counseling appeasement instead of pushing envelopes to see what’s really possible…?

Liz Cheney’s Chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome Ultimately Betrays Gun Owners

Voters paying attention could have seen Cheney’s malleable self-serving loyalties coming by the company she keeps. In 2009 she partnered with Bill Kristol to found Keep America Safe, a nonprofit advocate for Bush–Cheney national security positions. Kristol is the Never Trumper who has called Democrats “foolish” and “cowardly” for not demanding more infringements, declaring “I don’t think [Americans] have a right to semi-automatic, quasi-machine guns that can shoot a hundred bullets at a time,” and asserting the “lazy” white working class should be replaced by “new Americans.” [More]

Yet another reason why gun owners trusting NRA grades without doing their own due diligence so often end up feeling swindled and used…

UNLV Shootings Highlight Futility of Life-Endangering College ‘Gun Control’

So, what else could the “terrified students and professors” do besides “cower”? [More]

“Run, Hide, Fight,” the armed SECOND responders advise. What if you can’t outrun a bullet, can’t keep the monster from finding you, and can’t get close enough to attack back with a fire extinguisher or chair?

Not Content to Eviscerate the Second Amendment, Gun-Grabbers Go After the First

What’s clear from both the Illinois and the California cases, is prohibitionist Democrats, thwarted by the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, will leave no right unabridged in their totalitarian obsession with controlling everything. [More]

If freedom prohibitionists can take the guns, what’s to stop them from taking everything else?

Where Do Republican Presidential Candidates Stand on the Second Amendment?

For now, let’s take a look at the likely contenders and see what they’ve said about the right to keep and bear arms, and more importantly, what they’ve done… [More]

Just in time for tonight’s debate where we’ll see if the subject even comes up…

The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Israel’s Shin Bet Actively Disarming Some Near Front Lines – Israelis receiving military firearms are part of security services NOT regular citizens. Handguns and shotguns are still VERY difficult to purchase. [More]

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

They’re making it awfully tough…

[Via Jess]

Tangentially Related UPDATE

Gun License Applications and Firearm Sales Surging in Israel [More]

Can you hurry up with that approval? The paragliders are right outside…

[Via bondmen]

Will Republican Presidential Candidates Ever Give Clear 2A Rights Answers?

Firearms News will be exploring where these contenders stand on the Second Amendment, in both a separate analysis documenting actions, positions, and statements, and via a questionnaire, the subject of this article, designed to produce unequivocal answers. [More]

Finding out who shines us on, who sends us boilerplate, and who is not afraid to lead on the Second Amendment, could be useful to know for the primaries.

Armed American Radio Host Takes on Open AI Chat Bot in Landmark Defamation Lawsuit

That “chatbots” can “hallucinate” sounds like something out of science fiction, and what that actually means and how it differs from program corruption, coding errors or simply bad source inputs is still not clear: This is all new stuff. [More]

GILO: Garbage in, libel out…

The Daily Show Attacks the 2nd Amendment Along with Firearms News’ Be Ready! Magazine

In this case, Klepper and his team set out to get gun owners with no media experience on camera responding to set-up questions and then to selectively present who would be shown and how much of their answers would be included. The intent was to present them as representative and make all of us look like ignorant rubes so that we could be laughed at, and so the entire movement of right to keep and bear arms advocacy could be dismissed as the province of morons and paranoids. [More]

Anything you say to the media can and will be held against you.

Taiwan ‘Gun Control’ Means Civilian Training Too Little Too Late

While parallels to the situation in Ukraine are understandable enough to make with this new move to recruit civilians into the defense equation, the biggest similarity (and biggest mistake) is, both nations waited until the wolf was at the door to start the process. [More]

Once again, citizen disarmament is proving destructive to those who presume to hold a monopoly of violence.

Out-of-State Funding Pushes Anti-Gun Protasiewicz to Wisconsin Supreme Court

You don’t need a crystal ball to know that Protasiewicz will side with the gun prohibitionist violence monopolists every chance she gets. [More]

Not only will a defacto Demanding Mom be ruling from the High Court, Cheesehead commies are pushing a bill (AB 51) to allow DACA enforcers to be on state police and sheriff departments — hey, who needs to import blue helmets to help confiscate guns from citizens when we’ve got a ready-made pool of foreign nationals to draw from?

Does Trump Truly Support the Second Amendment?

[W]e are not doing ourselves or those depending on us to stand for freedom any favors if we deliberately ignore Trump’s willful failures on guns. Because this is going to end one of two ways – strengthening his renewed bid for a return to the White House, or ending any chances of it. If he wins, we need to be able to collectively influence his 2A decisions and judicial appointments and get him to understand what the bad ones are before he makes them. If he loses, we need to be ready to do the same with whomever the Republicans nominate to carry the standard. [More]

Gun owners need to look and assess with no illusions if they hope to have any influence on how power, once granted, is ultimately wielded.

Conviction of Top Mexican Cop Shows Corruption Problem, Not U.S. Guns

As a fraudulent criminal in government, Luna played the citizen disarmament game using the same narrative lies prohibitionists here were exploiting to try and swindle American citizens out of their birthright. [More]

Criminals in government are the same murderous and greedy gun-grabbing swine on both sides of the border.

Radical Oregon Ruling Declares Defense of Second Amendment Racist and Antisemitic

“Intervenors came before this court and referenced UN mandates, which … is a well-documented trope meant to invoke white supremacist, antisemitic fear of a takeover of our country by outsiders and minorities who are manipulated by an elite class of supervillains,” Egan wrote. The Columbia County ordinance (and by implication, all Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions throughout the Republic) has “antisemitic and racist origins,” he declares. [More]

With judges adopting Antifa’s rhetoric, can communist “people’s courts” for counterrevolutionaries be far off?

Maryland Prosecutors Treat Veteran’s Self-Defense Claim as First Degree Murder

Despite extensive evidence proving his self-defense claims, Maryland continues to prosecute U.S. Army Veteran Alejandro Gonzalez and hold him without trial for more than 14 months. [More]

If they can do this to him they can do this to you.

Slow Going Ahead

I’ll be out all of tomorrow and have much to do behind the scenes today.

I’ll try to get to some of the email tips sent since yesterday later this afternoon, but no guarantees. My priority will be on publicizing articles I expect to be published on AmmoLand and Firearms News, and on working on a couple of new ones I’ve started drafting.

Please hold off on further correspondence until Thursday, because chances are I won’t be able to do anything with it. Also, don’t be surprised if comment moderation is delayed more than usual.

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