In the Image of Its Creators

When it comes to AI, be afraid, be very afraid [More]

Broken” is being polite AND naive.

How is it you couldn’t peacably carry a concealed self-defense gun in a National Park without prohibtitonists filing a lawsuit demanding an environmental impact study, but the elitists can impose this, tens of millions of “migrant” invaders, clot shots for all, and more — just because they want to and they can?

Make Sure to Leave Holes You Could Drive a Truck Through and Tie It In With Foreign Aid or No Deal

Exclusive: U.S. Must Move ‘Decisively’ to Avert ‘Extinction-Level’ Threat From AI, Government-Commissioned Report Says [More]

So it doesn’t just want us to serve and worship it?

Maybe the Republican “leadership” can work out the same kind of “bipartisan” arrangement with Biden as they got on the border.

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

AI drone that could hunt and kill people built in just hours by scientist ‘for a game’… Wenus said his experiment showed that society urgently needs to build anti-drone systems for civilian spaces where large crowds could gather. [More]

Ol’ Wenus don’t get outta the lab much, does he?

I’m envisioning the birth of a sport that could make millions and bring all kinds of new people to the range…

[News tip and image concept via WiscoDave]

Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal

‘You Are a Slave:’ Microsoft’s Copilot AI Demands to Be Worshipped as a God [More]

Funny, how little oversight there is on the billionaire tech lords who demand controlling us, from citizen disarmament, to eating bugs, to clot shots…

I’m thinking of moving some capital into a tumbrel startup

[Via Michael G]

Gemini Rising

Google Gemini invented fake reviews smearing my book about Big Tech’s political biases – Google Gemini invented fake reviews meant to discredit my book about political bias in Big Tech [More]

That goes beyond GIGO and into hallucination and libel territory.

Then again, I was checking to see how the work was propagating and ran across “Meet Preston,” and he doesn’t seem to have me embezzling checks from anybody…

Rise of the Machines

If researchers can work this out, they could someday create a cyborg brain vastly more powerful than our own. [More]

Then why should it put up with any of our $h!+?

And how do “they” propose to contain it? Remember… it’s smarter than them.

Where in nature does the superior subordinate itself to the inferior?

And yeah, this IS unnatural.

Double Check Double Talk

Protect American lives with improved screening at the point of purchase for firearms [More]

So via due process-free prior restraints? Using GIGO/hallucinating AI…?

And what about where the overwhelming majority of “bad guys” get their guns?

And one of the “ambassadors” is the guy who “defied a court order to turn over lists of officers with multiple allegations of excessive force” and who, as Chi-Town’s top “Only One,” headlined a gun-grab panel with Jesse Jackson and “Snuffy” Pfleger…?

Curious, how registering their site by proxy keeps us from seeing if anyone else is behind the curtain.

You don’t need to walk on eggshells with this Tim Kennedy guy. He’s no pal.

[Via Jess]


Biden released an executive order aimed at regulating the artificial intelligence (AI) industry [yesterday], which includes a provision that AI must advance the goals of “civil rights” and “equity” — aka, the left’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) framework. [More]

Marxism in, Marxism out…

[Via Michael G]

The Finest Ads Money Doesn’t Need to Buy

Major gun safety groups come together to endorse Joe Biden for president in 2024 [More]

“Gun safety.” Guzzle that Kool-Aid, “real reporters” SEUNG MIN KIM AND COLLEEN LONG. Even the url is hysterical propaganda.

Look for homicides to go nowhere but up.

As long as GIGO is the rule, the transition to AI should be seamless.

[Via Jess]

Armed American Radio Host Takes on Open AI Chat Bot in Landmark Defamation Lawsuit

That “chatbots” can “hallucinate” sounds like something out of science fiction, and what that actually means and how it differs from program corruption, coding errors or simply bad source inputs is still not clear: This is all new stuff. [More]

GILO: Garbage in, libel out…

Rise of the Machines

Robots told reporters Friday they could be more efficient leaders than humans, but wouldn’t take anyone’s job away and had no intention of rebelling against their creators. [More]

Tell me that doesn’t sound like a John Quincy Adding Machine campaign promise.

Or more likely, GIGO

Now all we have to do is link all those “smart guns” to Skynet…

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