There’s an App for That

Lanore saw a problem and came up with the Gun Leash. Gun Leash is a recently patented device that uses a beacon attached to a firearm and paired to a mobile app. The mobile app runs silently and notifies the gun owner when their weapon is no longer with them. The beacon is a proximity sensor, not a GPS. After you download his Gun Leash app and stick the sensor on your gun, it will send a notification to your phone if you were to walk away and get a certain distance away from your gun. [More]

Here’s his website.

I’ve pretty much established myself over the past few decades as a hater of “smart guns.” This ain’t that.

As long as installing them is not mandated and it doesn’t allow guns to be tracked, I’m not seeing a downside — other than trusting a gadget to do what we should be doing ourselves. Perhaps someone with more technical qualifications than I have will see something I don’t, for instance, could the proximity signal’s signature “alert” anyone nearby who had a receiver?

It looks like not many have discovered them on X. I’m going to copy them when I send out this link, so at least WoG readers will know how to get comments to them. They don’t seem like antis trying to get a nose under the tent, and they seem like they’re sincere about trying to provide a solution to a problem, so I hope those sending opinions their way keep that in mind.

Gun owners on social advocacy media can be kind of… raw, much of the time with good cause, but I’m not seeing anything here that does not deserve respect. Me, I never post anonymously and I never say anything to a man online that I wouldn’t say to his face.

[Via Jess]

Nation of Pinheads

Driving at ridiculous speeds should be physically impossible [More]

And firing guns… don’t forget firing guns!

Yeah, listen to the guy who says he “led economic development strategy under two mayors of Washington, DC,” as if that’s a plus.

Tell you what, Zippy, you control yourself and I’ll control me.

I’m not asking for agreement.

[Via Michael G]

Immigrant Song

Suspected Foreign Gangs Breaking Into American Homes… What makes the group particularly dangerous is its practice of using jamming devices to incapacitate security systems and cellular phone communications in the target homes. [More]

How soft your fields so green
Can whisper tales of gore
Of how we calmed the tides of war
We are your overlords

You know what would really help them out? Electronic activation on guns!

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via Michael G]

A Safe Bet

They bought a Fortress Quick Access Safe with a biometric lock, requiring a fingerprint to unlock. But on Jan. 8, 2022, Carson managed to open the safe. He got ahold of the gun inside and shot himself. [More]

Deliberately or ignorantly? If the former, there are plenty of other ways. If the latter, what kind of development appropriate training did he receive?

I’ve got all kinds of other questions, including was the safe defective or didn’t the parents know how to set it up for fingerprint recognition and they’re now blaming the manufacturer?

I’m also recalling how relying on childproof caps actually led to an increase in accidental poisonings.

Relying exclusively on smart safes or smart guns is just dumb.

[Via Jess]

Within Limits

What the NTSB wants is to require systems that “warn” when a driver is speeding, as well as systems that “make it more difficult, but not impossible, to increase the speed of a vehicle” as well as electronic limits on vehicles so they “fully prevent drivers from exceeding the speed limit.” [More]

So which is it?

And if they can mandate limiters on cars

Massie Vehicle Kill Switch Amendment Foreshadows Greater Danger to Guns

…this technology could be used by the police as “an `electronic master key’ to `disable’ any `smart guns’ in the house,” and be used as a pretext to “ban the manufacture of any gun that ISN’T a `smart gun’.” [More]

Who would be against giving police the power to protect us from armed extremists?

Rise of the Machines

Robots told reporters Friday they could be more efficient leaders than humans, but wouldn’t take anyone’s job away and had no intention of rebelling against their creators. [More]

Tell me that doesn’t sound like a John Quincy Adding Machine campaign promise.

Or more likely, GIGO

Now all we have to do is link all those “smart guns” to Skynet…

Let’s Make Another Demand on YOU

Accidental shootings by children keep happening. How toddlers are able to fire guns. [More]

Mostly through inexcusable criminal negligence in high-risk households, but you’ll note the CBS/Everytown axis made sure to make the dangers seem uniformly widespread.

The object here is to take things that are virtually universally preventable through appropriate choices and behaviors, like addictions, unwanted pregnancies, and STDs, and turn them into “social problems” that those who behave themselves just fine end up paying the price for.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Worthwhile to Whom?

Biofire: The First Worthwhile “Smart Gun”? [Watch]

It doesn’t matter that the New Jersey law is now off the books. What can be taken off can be put back on. And it can take years of courtroom wranglings to unf*** things.

I didn’t watch the rest because I don’t care. It’s a dumb idea for a lot of reasons, not the least being as a tyranny enabler.

[Via Michael G]

Render Unto Caesar

Over the last 12 to 18 months, Lowe’s Innovation Labs has been testing out the system which utilizes RFID [Radio Frequency Identity] chips, scanners and blockchain. If implemented, it would render a stolen tool inoperable which would discourage bad actors and in turn, keep employees safe… [More]

Just think of the possibilities for “commonsense gun safety”!

[Via Steve T]

When Fractions of a Second Count

The fingerprint reader unlocks the gun in microseconds, but since it may not work when wet or in other adverse conditions, the PIN pad is there as a backup. LodeStar did not demonstrate the near-field communication signal, but it would act as a secondary backup, enabling the gun as quickly as users can open the app on their phones. [More]

Second time this morning I’ve channeled my inner Family Guy…

I may have to reconsider my position on suing gun manufacturers…

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