Nation of Pinheads

Driving at ridiculous speeds should be physically impossible [More]

And firing guns… don’t forget firing guns!

Yeah, listen to the guy who says he “led economic development strategy under two mayors of Washington, DC,” as if that’s a plus.

Tell you what, Zippy, you control yourself and I’ll control me.

I’m not asking for agreement.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Nation of Pinheads”

  1. My 2005 truck had a limiter on it. Cant go over 98mph. I found this out while trying to pass a truck… on a long stretch of desert highway… but there was a distant car coming in the opposite direction… Talk about panic. Thankfully there was a chip available to fix the annoyance.

    I refuse to buy a S&W revolver with that ugly “Hillary Hole”.

    Just replaced the J lock firing pin assy. from a used Remington 700 too.

  2. What this nimrod really means is freedom should be physically impossible. And they intend to come everything they can to make sure we have no freedom. Those of us they allow to survive the coming process where they cull the herd.

  3. There is an old joke that states that anybody driving 5 mph faster than you is a reckless psychopath while anybody driving 5 mph slower than you is a drooling idiot.

    On a recent trip along the non-interstate highways in Florida the network updated navigation software provided speed limit displayed on the dash did not always match the posted speed limit. The cruise control was set using the posted speed limit while sometimes the nav system warned that the vehicle was going too fast. The warnings of speed traps ahead were always accurate.

  4. Not going to drive an EV.

    Not going to eat kale.

    Not going to eat bugs.

    If they put a limiter in my car, I’ll find it and take it out.

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