Worthwhile to Whom?

Biofire: The First Worthwhile “Smart Gun”? [Watch]

It doesn’t matter that the New Jersey law is now off the books. What can be taken off can be put back on. And it can take years of courtroom wranglings to unf*** things.

I didn’t watch the rest because I don’t care. It’s a dumb idea for a lot of reasons, not the least being as a tyranny enabler.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Worthwhile to Whom?”

  1. I’m still trying to get more info from Biofire, but it appears this was designed NOT to be remotely accessible. Also, this is very much a niche firearm, intended only for home defense, not regular carry.

    Some of what I’m trying to get is electronic reliability data; from a practical standpoint, that’s a big hurdle.

    As a pricey niche gun, this isn’t for me; but it’s the first smart gun design that I’m not dismissing out of hand.

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