Gun Store Owner Defends Approval of Biden Background Check Rule

One would think a Federal Firearms Licensee would be in tune with gun owner reasons and sentiments for Second Amendment absolutism, especially one whose website advertises “we specialize in Paramilitary weapons, military weapons, pistols, etc.” And one would think he would be aware of and responsive to mounting criticism from gun owners angered by his public statements, evidenced by comments under the WJAC article, but especially, on his Facebook. [More]

A bloviating gunkapo finds out pretty quickly his 15 minutes of fame weren’t worth it and is now trying to cover his tracks.

Since When Do They Have to Know What They’re Talking About?

Does Vice President Kamala Harris know what existing gun control laws are? Apparently, not. [More]

She doesn’t need to.

The prohibitionists aren’t really interested in “background checks.” It’s all just another step on the way to the end goal. The DSM is neither interested in nor qualified to educate those it works so relentlessly at deceiving. And forget the information gatekeepers doing anything but punishing “wrong thinking.”

It’s not like anyone dumb or corrupt enough to vote for Kamala is going to question or correct anything she says.

It’s why I constantly chide to share links. If we don’t do it, no one else will.

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

ATF official: Federal prosecutors turning a blind eye to straw purchasers, again – Events reminiscent of ATF’s “Operation Fast & Furious” scandal. [More]

Hey, if you want to blood dance, you first need blood.

Which invites two questions, one about the open border and the other about the imposition of prior restraints because people who have proven they can’t be trusted with a gun aren’t kept away from the rest of us.

I’ve established a dialog with Mr. Forcelli, have read his book, and will be releasing an interview and a review over the next few weeks.

[Via CP]

Prelude to Confiscation

ATF whistleblowers sound alarm on Biden admin proposal that effectively bans private gun sales: report – Watchdog group says alleged ATF proposal would ‘go after law-abiding citizens for private’ gun sales [More]

There’s a way to prove background checks are a subterfuge to enable registration, but nobody on “our side” wants to talk about it.

[Via Jess]

What Better Way to Expose the Fraud of ‘Gun Control’?

America’s Stolen Guns: A Silent Contributor to Gun Crimes in the U.S. (2024) [More]

I get two takeaways from this:

  • “Gun-free zones” make things more dangerous because, aside from leaving “law-abiding” gun owners defenseless, they require them to leave their property unattended and vulnerable to theft. And lock box/safe “solutions” are defeatable, even the best ones if the whole car is stolen.
  • The numbers put the lie to needing serial numbers to trace guns recovered from crime scenes to the guilty party, and if you think about it, the whole “background check” scam.

So naturally, the grabbers will use this to demand more prohibitions.

Kapos Help Camp Guards

NSSF, ATF, DOJ Emphasize ‘Don’t Lie for the Other GuyTM’ [More]

Just like the Founders intended!

I wonder how many SHOT attendees drooling over hardware are loudly taking these rope-selling Quislings to task and protesting it’s not about guns, it’s about freedom…?

About as many as manufacturers refusing to sell to or service the confiscators…?

On This We Can Agree

It is fully within our power to stop this epidemic. [More]

Absolutely. Just not by doing anything this evil dotard’s handlers are lying to us about…

Starting with, it’s not an “epidemic.”

Wake me when the “school to grave pipeline” is plugged.

[Via Antigone]

Short Form Treason

The April 2023 email sent by a CBP supervisor to a “master list” of 500 Border Patrol agents calls on officials to decrease the number of interview questions for Chinese migrants arrested after illegally crossing into the country from 40 to five. [More]

And we even give you the answers we’re looking for before the test!


From the government that makes citizens fill out one of these and not get flagged before grudgingly giving permission to partially exercise a fundamental right…

So much for “universal background checks”…

[Via Wynn A]

Untrue to Form

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Gun Background Check Database Contains Nearly 14 Million Entries For Illegal Immigrants [More]

S’OK. Hunter’s going to make those unconstitutional.

Plus there’s nothing to stop them from getting ’em the old fashioned way.

Military age men, I’ll bet.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via Steven H]

New Mexico Anti-Gun Group Investigated for Breaking Gun Laws

Gun owners were quick to join in, pointing out the hypocrisy of gun-grabbers allegedly breaking gun laws they lobbied for and the delicious irony of the prohibitionists “hoist with their own petard.” [More]

I wonder if it’s a coincidence that the city backed down from participating in a highly publicized event just a few hours after I warned them the chief’s public admissions created a potential legal nightmare for them — and if similar warnings can be used to derail other “buybacks” where they’re incentivizing people with no safety training to handle and transport guns…

I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen led a coalition of 26 attorneys general in opposition to the Biden administration’s shocking and unconstitutional attack on American’s right to keep and bear arms that could criminalize law-abiding citizens for selling a single firearm for profit unless the seller obtains a federal license. [More]

Good arguments, but you know the fix is already in.

It’d be stronger if they had also mutually committed to legal consequences they will initiate on behalf of the gun-owning citizens in their respective states when the rule is enacted.

Then again, control freaks generally won’t slow down unless they’re more personally invested in the cost/benefit ratio.

That’s What It’s All About

“Background checks” = Registration = Confiscation.

[Via Jess]

Enduring the Interminable

While we are gratified and encouraged by the recent victory in Harney County, it’s important to note that legal efforts to protect the most fundamental rights of gun owners are a long way from over. [More]

Unless the tunnel being dug is redirected, I’m not sure seeing light at the end of it would be a good thing.

Bob Rose by Any Other Name

I’m a proud card-carrying member of the NRA… [More]

He then proceeds to endorse the evisceration of the Second Amendment.

Association Bylaws, Article III, Sec. 11, “Involuntary Termination of Membership and Disciplinary Proceedings” states in part:

“Any individual or organization member may be suspended or expelled for good cause, including, but not limited to, any conduct which is contrary to, or in violation of the Bylaws of the Association.”

This public anti-gun advocacy is in direct conflict with Article II, Purposes and Objectives, section 1:

“To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms, in order that the people may always be in a position to exercise their legitimate individual rights of self-preservation and defense of family, person, and property, as well as to serve effectively in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens;”

Additionally, Article III, “Membership,” section 1., “Eligibility,” requires that the member “subscribes to the objectives and purposes of the Association.”

I say expel the subverting old Fudd.

Double Check Double Talk

Protect American lives with improved screening at the point of purchase for firearms [More]

So via due process-free prior restraints? Using GIGO/hallucinating AI…?

And what about where the overwhelming majority of “bad guys” get their guns?

And one of the “ambassadors” is the guy who “defied a court order to turn over lists of officers with multiple allegations of excessive force” and who, as Chi-Town’s top “Only One,” headlined a gun-grab panel with Jesse Jackson and “Snuffy” Pfleger…?

Curious, how registering their site by proxy keeps us from seeing if anyone else is behind the curtain.

You don’t need to walk on eggshells with this Tim Kennedy guy. He’s no pal.

[Via Jess]

Semantic Gymnastics?

ATF Director Calls for Universal Background Checks, Assault Weapons Ban at Harvard IOP Forum [More]

Then there’s this:

And then we scan them, right? But as far as I know, we are the only customer of Adobe Acrobat that actually pays extra money to have search capability taken out of that software.

I see some influencers treating this like a newly admitted database violation “Gotcha.” I must not be grokking something because this has been out there for years:

How can a database be “non-searchable”? Trick question: The system can’t really be considered a database. (There is a reason the ATF uses the phrase “data systems” instead). There is no ability to search the text of a file, and no effort is made to tag files with identifiers that could later be used to sort and search. “We compare it to an electronic card catalog system, where records are digitally imaged, but not optimized for character recognition,” ATF spokesman Corey Ray says.

Am I completely missing a point?

[Via William T]

New York 3D Printer Control Bill is Tyrannical, Unworkable and Un-American

When the bill predictably fails to reduce New York homicides (because it’s focused on all the wrong things, like not on the criminals), look for new hysterical and pointless demands, like banning out-of-state sales, banning “straw purchases” of printers, banning printer parts, and blaming “red” states with “lax printer laws.” And let’s not forget banning possession of 3D printers by prohibited persons, to be expanded to anyone under a restraining order, on a watchlist, or “red-flagged,” followed by “may issue” permits for anyone else who wants one. [More]

You can’t cite the Founders out of one side of your mouth and then undermine everything they stood for out of the other. Well, you could if you’re a New York Democrat bragging about your foreign values…

The Ghost of a Chance

Supreme Court tells Fifth Circuit to stop its defiance in ghost gun case … voiding the lower court orders and allowing the ATF regulations to go into effect pending further litigation. There were no noted dissents. [More]

Because we all know how big the Founders were on serial numbers and background checks…

Here’s the order.

I infer Nina Totenberg’s celebratory tone. That said, I’m not sure this isn’t more about following procedural steps than signaling a predisposition on an ultimate ruling.

And that said, citizens’ lives and livelihoods are jeopardized in the interim, and that hardly seems consistent with “secur[ing] the Blessings of Liberty…”

A True Champion of the Second Amendment

Hunter Biden pleads not guilty to federal gun charges out of Special Counsel David Weiss’ probe [More]

It would be such sweet poetic justice if he unraveled the Big Guy’s (current) Holy Grail, “universal background checks” with their “prohibited person” disqualifiers.

Plus, once his case is settled I’ll be able to file my follow-up FOIA request and ATF will be fresh out of sustainable excuses.

[Via several of you]

So What’s the Problem?

IMPACTS OF HOUSE REPUBLICANS’ EXTREME CR…Nearly 70 fewer Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agents, who are often some of the first federal law enforcement on the scene of a mass shooting to help local law enforcement identify at-large shooters—and 13 furlough days for ATF’s entire workforce [More]

Cutting 800 Border agents sounds bad, but they don’t let them guard the border anyway. A lot of the other stuff is Marxist wealth redistribution…

Watch them use the reduction in FBI personnel to try to delay NICS approvals and then work around the 3-day background check timeout to retroactively go after transfers…

[Via Jess]

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