Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Open Door to New Questions

The questions raised here are bigger than that. They go to the heart of how agencies are empowered to prosecute citizens operate, and what oversight and restraints are in place to keep abuses in check. [More]

What does it say about the administration that it uses all of its legal might to keep from answering them?

We’re the Only Ones Wasted Enough

Internal Revenue Service Employee Brandished Toy Gun at Service Center in Utah… Bryner also indicated he had a medical marijuana card and uses marijuana … Bryner made two attempts to purchase rifles from a federally licensed firearms dealer in Ogden, Utah. On both purchase forms, Bryner certified he is neither an unlawful user of nor addicted to marijuana. [More]

This was in March– I haven’t been able to determine what happened to the case, if anything yet.

I’m curious to see if he’s been offered the same “consent to permanent entry” deal as Hunter Biden.

[Via President Non_Fudd]

Hey Everybody, Look At Me!!!

GOP presidential candidate calls for stronger gun background checks
Former GOP Rep. Will Hurd said fellow Republicans are worried about the political ramifications if they support gun control measures [More]

I guess “former” and “political ramifications” don’t register with this dolt. He didn’t qualify for the debate so he’s gotta get attention somehow.

Figures he had an “A”-rating from NRA.

[Via Jess]

Fighting Back

Coalition of FFLs Sue Over Biden’s “Zero Tolerance” Policy [More]

Tangentially related, I saw an interesting comment over at John Crump’s YouTube video:

Earlier this year I was at Academy Sports with a friend who was purchasing a pistol. The employee made him redo the form because he couldn’t read his signature. The employee said that the ATF had recently audited them and complained about not being able to read the signatures and said that they must be legible.

I sent them this to see what’s what, and will let you know if I do or do not hear back:

[Via Jess]

Advance to the Rear!

The BSCA was passed last summer over the NRA’s objections, with proponents congratulating themselves on their “bi-partisan” achievement. [More]

So how many “staunch supporters of the Second Amendment” are you goin g to down-rate?

And posturing now only obscures the fact that when the asteroid was still in nudging distance, you weasels were giving cover to your pet Quislings with a spineless “framework” excuse.

The Lairds of Fairfax

There’s a Storm Coming

Biden preps rollout of expanded background checks as part of major gun safety push into 2024 [More]

They perceive “gun control” is now a winning issue and are doing a major and massively-funded push to stir up the useful idiots to demand more infringements. And they’re branching out to Everytown, including yours.

They don’t care if things get tied up in post-Bruen court challenges — they have the tax plunder resources to sustain the long run, and they’re counting on using every trick in the book — from the superhighway to citizenship to prosecuting Trump, to more outright election steals to get the majority needed to populate SCOTUS with apparatchiks like in Illinois.

Don’t look for any but a handful of Republicans to go on offense.

Ultimately, it’s going to boil down to a percentage of the populace reviled by Democrats and their DSM water carriers saying “No.”

They’re going to force it on us. On you.

[Via Jess]

So if the Question’s Unlawful We Can Lie?

Federal gun law used in Hunter Biden case voided by appeals court [More]

The sooner this gets resolved, the sooner I can resume finding out what I’m looking for — or at least go through another round of stonewalling.

Hey, if they have to change the 4473, will they declare the old one invalid and take their time issuing a new one?

[Via Dan Gifford]

Our Gun Control is Better Than Yours

Philadelphia is suing three firearm retailers – Frank’s Gun Shop Double Tap Shooting Range and Delia’s Gun Shop in Northeast Philadelphia, and Tanner’s Sports Center in Bucks County – alleging the businesses are participating in illegal straw purchases, an illicit criminal activity where an individual lies on the background check form that they are the actual purchasers and instead sells or transfers a firearm to someone who can’t or won’t be associated with the sale of a firearm. [More]

So NSSF’s “solution” is to enforce existing Intolerable Acts?

[Via Jess]

The Big Chill

Bass Pro Shop’s Background Check Policy Raises Questions [More]

After seeing how Morehouse was retaliated against with a bend-and-spread-’em audit that had the goal of finding something, anything, to revoke its FFL, and noting the anal levels ATF stoops to over “Don’t Lie for the Other Guy” (enthusiastically partnered with by NSSF), over-cautiousness is inevitable, especially where corporate timidity over anything controversial is the rule.

If You See Something Say Something

The guns will be collected anonymously, unloaded and stored in a locked safe. They will be turned in to Cleveland Police Department’s 4th precinct headquarters every day. [More]

Brandon can accept transfers without background checks? And with “prohibited persons” on staff? Does ATF know about this?

Hey, they don’t have a “No Guns” sticker on the door, do they?

I didn’t imagine there was much demand for Fois Gras and Cuisses de Grenouille among the gang bang set…

[Via JG]

Democrats Pressuring House Republicans into Caving on Guns

Whether any of the Vichycon Republicans are actually gutless and dumb enough to believe that the prudent play is to listen to the commies and betray their base remains to be seen. While the urge to believe they won’t be is strong, we’ve seen “moderates” snatch defeat from the jaws of victory before. While they might not cave on everything, their baffling propensity to give up “something” and showcase an aptitude for “bipartisan compromise” is a factor that can’t be ignored. [More]

They only need five turncoats in the House, and those aren’t that hard to find.

Henry Redman, Real Reporter

Wisconsin Democrats push gun safety legislation [More]

Oh, look, a publicity release parroting grabtard talking points masked as news!

Y’know, if that’s all the Wisconsin Examiner (“News you can wipe with!”) is going to do, what do they need Henry for?

[Via Mike F]

Straight from the Man Himself

24 years ago today, Wayne LaPierre—who’s STILL the CEO despite running the NRA into the ground amid scandal & bankruptcy—testified to Congress in support of universal background checks. [Watch]

What with bump stocks, mental health blanket dragnets, Second Amendment-free schools, breaking the rules and stabbing a loyalist in the back to promote a Lautenberg supporter, and driving the organization into a legal and financial swamp, and plenty more, you’d think the grabtards would want to keep Wayne on…

Your Fudd Sense Candidate

As a veteran, gun-owner, hunter, and dad, I know that basic gun safety isn’t a threat to the Second Amendment. [More]

No, of course not. Basic gun safety is essential to it.

But that’s not really what you’re talking about, is it?

Be vewy, vewy quiet… I’m infwinging wights… Hehhehhehhehheh…

You have to wonder what kind of gun owner would be stupid enough to fall for this.

Or go so far as to tell people he’s “a true and constant friend.”

Good for the … What Were We Talking About?

Woman Who Lied About Drugs During Gun Purchase Sent To Prison: What about Hunter? [More]

The way comments are dominated by redirection to take the focus off the article followed by interminable petty squabbles and name-calling sure works in ATF’s favor here.

See my sidebar “Comment House Rules.” I won’t allow that here.

Anybody doesn’t like it can have all their money back.

A Staunch Supporter of the Second Amendment

Yeah, about that:

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed an executive order to tighten background checks on Tuesday, marking a victory for gun reformers in the GOP-controlled state. Lee also called upon the state legislature to pass a “red flag” law that will make it easier to remove guns from people who pose a danger to themselves or others.

It’s the way of the Vichycon: Feining support when there’s something in it for you, but when the going gets tough, the rats get scurrying. This is ideologically the same as going AWOL when your brothers are under fire. What a despicable coward.

Time to resurrect an old Stieger quote:

‘Bipartisan’ Gun Controller Fitzpatrick Shows Why Being “Republican’ is Not Enough

And based on supporting candidates like party switch-hitter Arlen Specter, Pat Toomey, Tom Ridge, and Brian Fitzpatrick, a critical mass of Pennsylvania Republicans is demonstrably willing to throw gun owners under the bus in exchange for the false promise of “less government.” They’re the useful idiot “bourgeoisie” the Democratic Socialists are counting on being asleep. This also explains why disarming them is such a priority. [More]

With “Republicans” like Fitzpatrick, who needs Democrats?

Virginia VCheck Outage Points to Unacceptable Vulnerability for Gun Purchases

“All gun sales, even private ones, were stopped dead in their tracks until that system came back up. If it took a month, then gun sales would have been stopped for a month.” [More]

But don’t worry– rights weren’t “denied.” You just couldn’t exercise them.

A Blank VCheck

Virginia’s approach to firearms records checks does not infringe on an individual’s ability to purchase or possess a firearm… [More]

Yeah, well I just got a tip that Virginia’s VCheck system is down, and had that confirmed by calling an FFL– and he didn’t know why and hadn’t received information.

Nothing on VCDL Alerts yet…

So I tried calling both Virginia State Police Firearms Transaction Center Help Desk numbers [(804) 674-2292 or (804) 674-2788] and both aren’t working.

My guess is this is the culprit:

I tweeted a question to them and will update this if I hear back.


The VSP Information Technology Division’s application and engineering teams worked through the night and are now focused on reinstating VCIN-affiliated systems, to include the Computerized Criminal History (CCH) and the Virginia Firearms Transaction V-Check system. [More]



All Virginia FFLs were notified yesterday by the Virginia Firearms Transaction Center. [More]

All I can tell you is the original tip received by CA over at Western Rifle Shooters Association that set me off looking into this said:

And the FFL who spoke to me basically said the same thing.

Do As We Say

DHS Did Not Consistently Comply with National Instant Criminal Background Check System Requirements…DHS has more than 6.4 million incomplete NICS records… [More]

And what happens when we don’t comply with their rules?

Still, maybe we’ve got registration all wrong and the safest place for gun records is with the government…

[Via Jess]

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