There’s a Storm Coming

Biden preps rollout of expanded background checks as part of major gun safety push into 2024 [More]

They perceive “gun control” is now a winning issue and are doing a major and massively-funded push to stir up the useful idiots to demand more infringements. And they’re branching out to Everytown, including yours.

They don’t care if things get tied up in post-Bruen court challenges — they have the tax plunder resources to sustain the long run, and they’re counting on using every trick in the book — from the superhighway to citizenship to prosecuting Trump, to more outright election steals to get the majority needed to populate SCOTUS with apparatchiks like in Illinois.

Don’t look for any but a handful of Republicans to go on offense.

Ultimately, it’s going to boil down to a percentage of the populace reviled by Democrats and their DSM water carriers saying “No.”

They’re going to force it on us. On you.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “There’s a Storm Coming”

  1. City Hall ignores me with impunity.
    The State House and Governor ignore me with impunity.
    My CONgresscritter and Senators care not a whit what I may speak of.
    In need of guidance on how I might effectively ‘just say NO’.

    1. Look how they dump on the members of the Freedom Caucus. WHEN did you see Mitch the Turtle ever speak up for smaller government?

  2. A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free State…

    If American gun owners continue to refuse this solemn duty to secure their free States then our States and our people will never be free again and our rights and guns are as good as gone.

    Culturally we see the signs of revolution all around us, but individual men talk big on social media and play with their guns, but refuse to organize like those first 13 words demand. Well they better be prepared for the Kristallnacht of gun confiscation that will soon be coming through their doors as the tyrants Standing Army just follows the orders and round up all the arms in the near future.

    They know they can’t hide their crimes or stolen elections anymore and that people will not put up with anymore of it so they must remove our arms to continue their path to enslave us.

    Please wake up and organize. 250 years of liberty is calling on you to heed the words of warning and blood spilled by those who came before us.

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