Up in Smoke

5 gun law facts you should know before toking that first legal joint [More]

What a mess.

If you do indulge, wear a Covid face diaper in (and out of) the store, buy with cash, and don’t smoke in front of anyone you can’t trust. That, and lie on the 4473, because being coerced to rat yourself out is a human rights violation.

Just understand that if you get caught, evil people are going to hurt you badly.

Double Check Double Talk

Protect American lives with improved screening at the point of purchase for firearms [More]

So via due process-free prior restraints? Using GIGO/hallucinating AI…?

And what about where the overwhelming majority of “bad guys” get their guns?

And one of the “ambassadors” is the guy who “defied a court order to turn over lists of officers with multiple allegations of excessive force” and who, as Chi-Town’s top “Only One,” headlined a gun-grab panel with Jesse Jackson and “Snuffy” Pfleger…?

Curious, how registering their site by proxy keeps us from seeing if anyone else is behind the curtain.

You don’t need to walk on eggshells with this Tim Kennedy guy. He’s no pal.

[Via Jess]

Virginia VCheck Outage Points to Unacceptable Vulnerability for Gun Purchases

“All gun sales, even private ones, were stopped dead in their tracks until that system came back up. If it took a month, then gun sales would have been stopped for a month.” [More]

But don’t worry– rights weren’t “denied.” You just couldn’t exercise them.

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