Advance to the Rear!

The BSCA was passed last summer over the NRA’s objections, with proponents congratulating themselves on their “bi-partisan” achievement. [More]

So how many “staunch supporters of the Second Amendment” are you goin g to down-rate?

And posturing now only obscures the fact that when the asteroid was still in nudging distance, you weasels were giving cover to your pet Quislings with a spineless “framework” excuse.

The Lairds of Fairfax

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Advance to the Rear!”

  1. How much credibility did they lose when they applied that “staunch supporter” label Sen. Harry Reid, they guy who forced a change to Senate rules in order to seat Kagan and Sotomayor on the Supreme Court?

    In my Bell System days we used to say:

    Q: How many “attaboys” are wiped out by one “ah shit”?
    A: All of them!

    With RKBA defenders like the ones bearing the NRA’s “staunch supporter” label you start feeling like the enemy is already inside the gates.

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