Semantic Gymnastics?

ATF Director Calls for Universal Background Checks, Assault Weapons Ban at Harvard IOP Forum [More]

Then there’s this:

And then we scan them, right? But as far as I know, we are the only customer of Adobe Acrobat that actually pays extra money to have search capability taken out of that software.

I see some influencers treating this like a newly admitted database violation “Gotcha.” I must not be grokking something because this has been out there for years:

How can a database be “non-searchable”? Trick question: The system can’t really be considered a database. (There is a reason the ATF uses the phrase “data systems” instead). There is no ability to search the text of a file, and no effort is made to tag files with identifiers that could later be used to sort and search. “We compare it to an electronic card catalog system, where records are digitally imaged, but not optimized for character recognition,” ATF spokesman Corey Ray says.

Am I completely missing a point?

[Via William T]

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