What Better Way to Expose the Fraud of ‘Gun Control’?

America’s Stolen Guns: A Silent Contributor to Gun Crimes in the U.S. (2024) [More]

I get two takeaways from this:

  • “Gun-free zones” make things more dangerous because, aside from leaving “law-abiding” gun owners defenseless, they require them to leave their property unattended and vulnerable to theft. And lock box/safe “solutions” are defeatable, even the best ones if the whole car is stolen.
  • The numbers put the lie to needing serial numbers to trace guns recovered from crime scenes to the guilty party, and if you think about it, the whole “background check” scam.

So naturally, the grabbers will use this to demand more prohibitions.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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