Tonight on Armed American Radio

8-11 pm Eastern…

“Original roundtable” at 9, eh…?

What was I talking about on this date 15 years ago…?

Wait… Dancing with the Stars isn’t on tonight, is it…?

Tonight on Armed American Radio

I’ll be calling in at 8:30 Eastern.

Go to the AAR website to listen/watch/find a station near you.

Daily Defense

I gotta get a new picture– I haven’t worn glasses since I got my eyes done, what, four or five years ago now…?

Daily Double Dose

Go to the AAR website to listen/watch via live stream or to find a station near you.

And speaking for myself

Daily Defense

TODAY on AAR Daily Defense it’s special guest @dcodrea David Codrea. [More]

Go to the AAR website to listen/watch via live streaming and/or find a station near you.

Host Mark Walters hasn’t told me what he wants to talk about, but I can guess. I also want to make sure we announce my two just-published pieces from AmmoLand and Firearms News.

Armed American Radio Redux

David Codrea talks Israel, leftist wackos and more before encountering a Salem radio Network error [Listen]

Funny, how the same Democrat cause célèbre bellyachers who want you and me disarmed applaud the slaughter of innocents as legitimate political discourse. That’s because they want us dead. We got through three segments in Wednesday’s “Daily Defense” and then everything shut down.

Daily Defense

I’m wondering what we could possibly have to talk about. To find out, go to the Armed American Radio website to stream and listen/watch live, or to find a broadcast radio station near you.

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