All in All, You’re Just Another Brick in the Wall

Garland speaks with victims’ families as new exhibit highlights the faces of gun violence [More]

Quilts for disarmament!

They’re not gonna have another Tamerlan Tsarnaev Bloomberg Bus Brouhaha, are they?

I didn’t see a search function, so I hope my contribution isn’t redundant.

[Via Antigone]

The Mask is Off

Our executive director, Olivia Troye, will be joined by Joshua Horwitz and Shannon Frattaroli from Johns Hopkins University, which just launched a national red flag law resource center with the U.S. Department of Justice – as well as Christopher Carita, a former detective from the Ft. Lauderdale, FL Police Threat Response Unit, who will speak about his experience with red flag laws in a state leading the nation in usage [More]

I’m just here for the ratio.

This former Pence aide is proving to be even more ineffectual than the last figurehead.

I may do another article…

Playing the Percentages

However, the recent investigation by the Second Amendment Foundation revealed that 97Percent supports bans on “assault weapons,” standard-capacity magazines, and bump stocks and has called for permits to carry, purchase, and even possess firearms. It supports mandatory background checks and mandatory storage laws and claims the Second Amendment is “overprotected.” [More]

Welcome to the party, pals.

‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Video Shows Privileged Dishonesty of Astroturf Prohibitionists

Most “child gun deaths” don’t occur on privileged white estates with swimming pools. But the manipulators behind the video know their target (Democrat) audience and are counting on them having more sympathy for a stereotypical adorable little blonde girl than for who the real victims of criminal violence are apt to be. [More]

Once more the gun-grabbers show us that the best way to appeal to frustrated white Democrat hag empathy is to show something bad happening to a privileged “Aryan.”

30 Days or Else

Sorry. That’s extortion. At this point, it has become appropriate to tell them to go **** themselves. And if half a dozen show up to protest, watch that deemed newsworthy.

Looks like a private group. With 2.8K “members,” my bet is there’s some serious AstroTurfing going on.  What are they trying to hide?

And they don’t appear to be strong enough supporters to all sign the online petition.

This appears to be the guy auditioning for national exposure.

[Via bondmen]

‘Investing’ in Astroturf

The Giffords PAC is using Congress’ bipartisan gun deal to fuel ads supporting Democrats and attacking Republicans who voted against it. [More]

They’ll pick races where they think it will be close, so gun owners who live in those states and districts are responsible for knowing what the score is with their reps and making sure good deeds don’t get punished.

Hey, I see they’re backing the guy who shot [pulled a gun on] an unarmed black jogger and the guy who obstructed a police investigation into child abuse! Nice to know the quality of the company they keep remains consistent.

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