30 Days or Else

Sorry. That’s extortion. At this point, it has become appropriate to tell them to go **** themselves. And if half a dozen show up to protest, watch that deemed newsworthy.

Looks like a private group. With 2.8K “members,” my bet is there’s some serious AstroTurfing going on.  What are they trying to hide?

And they don’t appear to be strong enough supporters to all sign the online petition.

This appears to be the guy auditioning for national exposure.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “30 Days or Else”

  1. That clown babbling bout “blowing right through a helmet at five hundred yards” is proof the guy is clueless, spewing from a pre-written script and utterly disconnected from reality. Those rifles simly do NOT have that capability. Then the female with her rant “he didn’t have no papers or nothing and walked out with that gun”. Duh, he HAD to have had SOME form of government issued ID with photo etc on it. I’m certain BATF have been through his Bound Book and his stack of 4473’s and if there had been anything “unusual” about that sale, we’d know about it. We don’t so it WAS a clean sale.

    One issue I’ve been wondering about.. I{m pretty certain it was THIS kid, but could be confused with another. His firearms collection was rather extencive and high priced Daniel Defense are not bargain basement weapons. Prolly around $2500 for the rifle he used. Others in that same category. I seem to remember he was driving some expensive ($70K?) pickup, but worked as an entry level eployee flipping burgers or some such job. SOMEONE should look into this kid’s personal finances. HOW did he get the funds to BUY all this “kewl stuff”? The gun store might have records of his method of payment. If other than cash, a starting point. Some “smell a rat” named FBI or BATF behind the kid’s actions. Was it public money funnelled through one of these agencies that funded the kid’s spree?

    If these loval vigilantes begin to harm his business over a sle made in full complaince with existing laws, he’d have cause of action, perhaps criminal actions, to visit upon them. I’d be working on getting ID’s of the activitses. Show up perhaps through a proxy at their meetings and learn who is who, what cars they drive, etc, for later use. This is unlawful intimidation, outside of due process. If they destroy the guy’s business they could be held liable…..

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