After the Storm

Outages, road closures expected in Hudson due to broken trees and utility poles [More]

The power just came back on an hour ago after about 10 hours of being out. The National Weather Service alert from last evening said “severe thunderstorms” with “80 mph wind gusts,” and what I saw looked at least Category 1. I have a lot of trees on my property and so a lot of branches that need to be picked up, and found out about the big one after the fact– the storm was so intense we never heard it split off and fall.

I don’t claim to be a photographer, but at least my finger isn’t in any of these:

To give you an idea of the scale, the high point to the left is around 6′.

The split is about 20′ up.

Looks like it had some kind of internal rot going on that weakened where the separation started…

I expect productivity here will suffer as I deal with this. There are probably a lot of news tips I won’t be able to get to, so go easy on me.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “After the Storm”

  1. Now is not the time to learn how to use a chainsaw. If you don’t know, or you’re tired, or you can’t remember when you last had the chain serviced, or everything in sight is soaked, hire a pro.

    Most Hurricane related injuries occur during the cleanup phase.

  2. Praise God you and your family weren’t hurt! Good luck with the cleanup. Don’t rush it and use PPE – it ain’t manly and it slows you down a bit, but it is true that most injuries occur during the storm recovery process. I recommend trying to salvage the wood for firewood and other projects. A friend of mine had a large oak tree split in his back yard during Hurrican Michael in a similar fashion yours did. He cut most of it into firewood and made a VERY nice mantle out of the biggest section. It is a reminder of the hard times and recovery process. I was there the day after it hit. EVERYONE pulled together and helped each other without concern of political party, color, or bank account size (that you couldn’t access anyway due to the power outage) – just people helping people. It was really good to be a part of that! Stay safe and enjoy the time with your family.

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