All the Moor Reasons

The deputy approached the vehicle and spoke with the man inside, asking him why he was in the park, yet the sheriff said he wouldn’t cooperate. “At this point, he’s resisting a law enforcement officer in the performance of their duty. He’s also violating a county ordinance,” Judd said. [More]

Stipulated, “Moorish sovereign citizens” are whackjobs, but how is the triggering situation described above fundamentally different from this one?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “All the Moor Reasons”

  1. Doesn’t really matter what you believe or what group you belong to. If you refuse to bend the knee to those in power they WILL use force to make you bend it…or kill you in the attempt. Right or wrong is actually not relevant. What is relevant is power and the use of that power. Those who are in power never want to share it or relinquish any of it. Believing the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and any law contradictory to it is not actual law can get you murdered by the systems enforcers just as surely as believing you are a “sovereign citizen”. Ultimately as Mr. Jack Donovan has observed Violence Is Golden. It’s the ultimate arbiter of everything.

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