An ‘Unarmed Man’

Man accused of killing another man with one punch at gas station [More]

The threat warrants an armed response to either keep violence from happening in the first place or put an end to it if it does, you know…

No matter what Real Man says…

[Via Remarks]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “An ‘Unarmed Man’”

  1. “Real men don’t need guns…” OK, guy. You go ahead and protect the women and children who YOU, as a MAN, are responsible for protecting, with “wasp spray.” I’ll do the same using my guns. We’ll get together afterwards and compare notes… NOT…

  2. Some people should not be allowed to roam about freely in pubic without a qualified custodian. This guy killed, quickly, without the use of a firearm. He’s not the only one that can.. or did.

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