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While most experts say comprehensive gun control is still the best solution to mass shootings… [More]

Well, that right there tells me I can’t trust a thing that follows. That and blocking access to what AoL considers “extreme,” blaming “racism” i.e. traditional American culture, and adding in a dash of “equity” collectivism…

Besides, when they emphasize “young men and boys,” how are we supposed to define either?

I don’t suppose beating unforgiving woke culture into young skulls from an early age perverts minds and instills an obsession for exacting revenge against institutions perceived as sources of torment…?

And how are you going to “combat” $h!+ when you don’t even mention the only deterrent proven to stop manufactured monsters in their tracks except to say we need to prohibit that?

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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