Attack of the Killer Fudds

Princeton study links gun violence to start of deer season [More]

Keep voting Democrat, morons.

Just because Polyphemus says he’ll eat you last doesn’t alter the fact that he still intends to eat you.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Attack of the Killer Fudds”

  1. Something that jumped out at me, I guess as a result of my 42 years in what used to be called “The Bell System”, AKA the infamous TPC of “The President’s Analyst” fame, is the worn out trope that there is a monolithic “gun lobby” and it’s common name is The National Rifle Association.

    Despite it’s size and influence, The Bell System was never a communications monopoly. There were always other big players on the other end of that wire that phones used to have. GTE was only the biggest. There were others of varying sizes all the way down to family owned sole providers that served no more than a single town. The mother of a college friend owned the Brooksville Telephone Company, at that time the sole dial tone provider in Brooksville, FL.

    Similarly, if there ever was a monolithic entity that fancied itself to be “the gun lobby” it was delusional at best. Before RKBA came under attack in a big way in the early 20th century, there really weren’t much in the way of pro RKBA organizations. But since then, there has been a spectrum of pro-RKBA forces in the USA all the way down to individual gun owners who belonged to no organization or several. The NRA was only the biggest and perhaps best known of the bunch.

    But the Left’s continued use of the NRA as a boogieman representing some “gun lobby”, in spite of that organization’s continuing self destruction and impending collapse is nothing more than a crutch.

    OTOH, if it serves to distract attention from the real forces behind recent dramatic gains by pro-RKBA groups and individuals, and it ain’t NRA and the Fudds, maybe that’s a good thing.

    “Never smarten up a chump.” — W. C. Fields

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