Attack of the Low-Hanging Fruit?

“FBI Charlotte is investigating the willful damage to power facilities in Moore County,” the federal law enforcement agency said, referring to its offices in Charlotte, North Carolina. “We are in regular contact with local law enforcement and private sector partners.” [More]

What do their CIs say?

And all the Dems be like “Please let it be white Christian nationalists…”

[Via Jess]


And Shannon is damn near orgasmic at the prospect.

[Via Steve T]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Attack of the Low-Hanging Fruit?”

  1. “Please let it be white Christian nationalists…”

    In a 64% Trump county? They’d be shooting themselves in the foot!

  2. That, as an idea, should be in your creating havoc playbook for ‘later’. Remember that the target is large and normally in the open…meaning…it can be engaged from very long range..and it will shut the power down to a particular area for a while.

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