Telling the audience how he improved a bad bill hardly addressed his assertion that Lautenberg “is strong protection for women and children,” or his claim that his amending language kept it from being “declared unconstitutional.” He then goes on to support the concept of “prohibited persons.” So, the answer is, no, he wouldn’t repudiate his past support and spearhead the effort to repeal it. Instead, he preferred you to be caught in the trap and then go through a Catch-22 appeals process. [More]
More to the point: What’s a gun-grab proponent even doing on the NRA board in the first place?
I think most of us were pretty sure they hadn’t given the way they let LaPierre resign instead of firing the weasel.
I apologize to any real weasels who may have been offended by being compared to the former NRA EVP.
What a joke the NRA is. Amazing how the GOA has been able to accomplish so much with a fraction of the budget. If the NRA behaved like the GOA, I don’t know if any of the states would have gun control.