Best and Final Offer

“So we have a best alternative to a negotiated agreement. Our BATNA is that we are going to stop all other gun control work and focus all our resources on a campaign to repeal the Second Amendment. We have a template for that; the amendment outlawing alcoholic beverages was passed and a decade later that Amendment was repealed. We are either going to get your commitment to allow our democratically produced local and state laws honored or we will end our negotiations and begin a massive campaign to overturn the Second Amendment.” [More]


Your move.

I think I may have found my next article.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Best and Final Offer”

  1. Just another fool, probably a product of our public education system, who knows that the Second Amendment grants Americans the right to keep and bear arms because that’s what he’s always, incorrectly, been told.

    Nevertheless, the reality is that the right mentioned, but not granted, by the Second Amendment would still exist if that part of the Constitution were somehow repealed per SCOTUS in US v Cruikshank. IOW, take your best shot, RKBA ain’t going anywhere. Nor are the hundreds of millions of firearms and billions of rounds of ammunition in American civilian hands.

    The Left’s date with Rosie Scenario might not be the erotic dream they envision. Mike had other ideas. As he wrote in the introduction to “Absolved”:

    ‘ I was once told by a “gun safety” advocate back in the Nineties that he favored total civilian
    firearms confiscation. Only the military and police should have weapons he averred and what did I think about that? I began to give him a reasoned answer and he cut me off with an abrupt, “Give me the short answer.”
    I thought for a moment and said, “If you try to take our firearms we will kill you.” ‘

    There were damn good reasons that The Founders included a mechanism for amending the Constitution. There were also damn good reasons why the process is not easy. It simply cannot be done without the support of an overwhelming majority of the America people.

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