Boxes of Rocks

Here’s how you pitch Ukraine aid to rock-ribbed conservatives [More]

Just have a registered foreign agent turn up the Lee Greenwood music, apparently.

Sounds more like rock-headed.

A line about the Lord helping those who help themselves comes to mind.

That and a warning about “permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…”

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Boxes of Rocks”

  1. Only now, with the Russian Bear conducting a war on their doorsteps, have some of the NATO alliance begun spending on common defense the 2% of GDP they committed to in 2014.

    When NATO committed to ending the Khadafi regime, they had the ground attack aircraft to get the job done, but not a single refueling tanker to get them to Algeria, and not a single AWACS aircraft to guide them to their targets.

    BUT, they all had taxpayer funded universal healthcare and five weeks of paid vacation, which they and their friends on this side of the pond didn’t hesitate to rub in our faces.

    And they’re still not willing to stick their necks out unless Uncle Sam goes first. Notice how Germany refused to allow others to contribute Leopard II tanks until the US committed to supplying Abrams tanks?



    We should contribute. But we should pare back our contribution to match the NATO average.

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