Controlled Outreach

CNN is not your friend. [Watch]

Their audience is not made up of your friends. Comments under this video show not only were no minds changed, this solidified anti-gun biases even further and gave the antis something to publicize.

I’m sorry, but I think this was a mistake.

I can’t help but recall Phil Donahue and the militia

[Via Jess]


Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Controlled Outreach”

  1. For those who do not have exceptional skills in messaging, propagandizing and psychological manipulation it is always a mistake to canoodle with the enemy.

  2. I would love to see David interviewed by this CNN creature. I am certain he would not fall into such readily expected traps and could clearly express all the reasons and critical importance of our God given right to self protection including freedom from tyranny.

    1. No, thank you for your vote of confidence but I would turn it down, as I have others. They would ask carefully crafted questions, expect off-the-top answers, edit them to serve their needs and present the whole thing to an audience that already has its mind made up — who else watches CNN?

      I vet all media requests and am very careful checking out the past work of those who ask and the venue they work for.

  3. There is no upside to cooperating with the press.
    Absolutely none.
    Give them nothing. You will come out ahead.

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