Yesterday’s school shooting was devastating. But remember, because we organized and acted, we passed legislation in 2022 making major changes to American gun laws. And this year, mass shootings have dropped by a whopping 20% from last year. That’s a big deal, and reason for hope. [More]
Now flesh that out for us. Show your work, your data, and the equations used to reach that conclusion.
You know, prove it.
Can anyone truly be ignorant enough to believe an in-your-face logical fallacy like this without even looking at, let alone understanding the evidence? And if they know he’s lying about this and voted for him anyway, what does that say about them?
What an @$$hole Chris Murphy is.
[Via Jess]
Of course school shootings go down when you redeploy your MC-ULTRA alumni to take out presidential candidates instead,
As was seen in the 1994 AWB, and elsewhere, where numbers in the dataset are small, a minor random fluctuation can give large percentage swings in the data when the change in number of events is actually quite small.
Sen. Murphy’s claim that a 20% reduction in mass shootings due to a change in gun laws might be just such a case where random noise is taken by the innumerate as a result of some policy change. If/when the series reverts to the mean with a 20% or so increase we’ll see what smoke and mirrors explanation Murphy comes up with.