Today on AAR Daily Defense, Mark chats with long-time AAR contributor, blogger, and citizen journalist, David Codrea. Topics include the makeup of the Trump cabinet from a gun rights perspective. Mark and David discuss bills likely to move quickly…or not…and then turn attention to Pam Bondi for AG. David is no fan and eloquently articulates the reasons why, including her past support for anti-gun measures in Florida as state AG. Mark counters with analogies and gives her the benefit of waiting out the hearings. She will no doubt be put on the spot during the confirmation process and allowed to articulate her 2A positions moving forward as AG. A lively discussion, so good in fact, that David returns on Wednesday to wrap up his legitimate concerns. [Listen]
My latest Firearms News piece, “Donald Trump and Republicans Owe Gun Owners, and It’s Time to Collect,” elaborates on my position.