Where she may have gone too far without realizing it in her hatred of all things, gun is who will be most affected by her cosmetics ban. Those include a large bloc of potential Democrat constituents. [More]
They’ll never stop eating away until they’re forced to. There’s a way to do that, but it will require the new DOJ meaning what Donald Trump says.
Orange Gun Bad, eh?
As I’ve pointed out elsewhere, the devil is in the details … and depending on the definition of “deceptively-colored”, may (finally!) wake up the Fudds.
In my opinion, the only “deceptively-colored” guns anyone needs to worry about are ones in which the suspects paint the barrel tips of real firearms Safety Orange, as required by federal law for toy guns. Real guns painted to look like toys could (conceivably) be an actual problem.
But what exactly is the bill’s definition of “deceptively-colored”? I will point out that many common “sporting” shotguns and rifles are available in a plethora of camouflage patterns. Would a gun “deceptively-colored” to trick wildlife run afoul of this bill? It wouldn’t surprise me one bit, and if so, put the Fudds on notice that once again — as always — the controllers aren’t content to only ban “assault weapons” or handguns, but sooner or later will come after ALL guns.
Polyphemus may promise to eat you last, but make no mistake, he still intends to eat you.
One cannot ban something that one cannot define in a way that a reasonable person can determine what is being banned and what is not.
Especially here when we’re dealing with Leftists who cannot bring themselves to a definition of “woman”.
Now define “Dark Earth.” One way that is in common use to legally define colors, so that you can, for instance, define the colors of a legally protected trademark, is by registering it with the folks at Pantone.
But their definitions are so precise that altering one bit in a 24 bit sRGB palete will change the color legally.
Like so for “Dark Earth”:
the system allows for 2 to the 24th power discrete colors. For the curious, that’s 16,777,216 colors.
Imagine the size of this bill if it even attempts to cover all of the possible to-be-banned colors.
But then again, writing laws full of loopholes is what some folks do for a living.