Draft Rand Paul

“The prospect of Rand Paul leading Republicans in the Senate should excite every liberty lover in America,” Staggs said. “The uniparty has done so much damage to our country, and it’s time to reverse that. We need someone who understands federalism, someone who is America First, someone who understands we must solve our problems at home rather than nation-building. We need Rand Paul.” [More]

I’d be willing to give it a try:

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Draft Rand Paul”

  1. Very cool! He has been our best senator since he was elected. I doubt DC would allow him to become majority leader, but it sure would be way better than the current clown.

  2. Love seeing you interview him all of the way back in 2010. I am proud to say I donated to his campaign that year. Maybe we can get Thomas Massie to take over the turtle’s spot? KY seems to have the best reps in congress by a mile. Massie in the House and Rand in the senate.

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