Educate Yourselves

Firefly is a decentralized, blockchain-based education ecosystem designed to support the worldwide homeschool community, teachers, and content creators, by providing a digital marketplace to buy and sell quality education content and services outside of the government-run system and away from its destructive policies. [More]

Long time readers will remember musician Jordan Page, an artist I think created one of the most inspiring RKBA songs I’ve ever heard, “Arm Yourselves”:

He and his wife have started a homeschooling education resource those of you with children ought to look at. The link takes you to an email I just got from him that I copied and pasted on my WOG Placeholder site.

To learn more, check out the Firefly Education Network and join the Firefly Community.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Educate Yourselves”

  1. If this truly is outside the government education system it won’t be tolerated. The left will find some way to destroy these people and this plan. Indoctrination of and propagandizing our children is a cornerstone of the lefts agenda.

    1. So make a kneejerk negative comment before knowing anything about it and give up without a fight instead of joining and promoting and helping expose attempts to destroy it?

      1. Prove me wrong. If it doesn’t serve the agenda it WILL be attacked. Pretending that’s not reality is playing to lose. I am a REALIST. I see things the way they ARE, not the way I wish they were.

      2. You’re absolutely right that if it doesn’t serve the agenda it will be attacked. But automatically dismissing creative attempts to combat it with negativity helps them and is harmful and discouraging to those testing different ways to oppose subversion. It’s hardly wishful thinking to see that educating a critical mass is one of the tools in the kit. If the Second Amendment wasn’t quietly working behind the scenes, we’d already see mass confiscations. That they’re not is pretty good evidence that deterrents can come in a lot of ways.

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