Fauxbook Friends

I know I said I was only going to use the blog to promote my articles until the new year, but this just came up and needs to be addressed.

If you’re on Facebook and received one of these “friend requests,” it didn’t come from me. As I’ve repeatedly said in the past, I don’t send “social media” requests, because I only use it as advocacy media to share links to my work and that would make me no better than a spammer, so I wait for people to approach me first.

Whoever it is has stolen my real profile avatar (and made some additions I can’t quite figure out the significance of) and the link goes to an account at this url:

The url to MY account is: https://www.facebook.com/david.codrea

I don’t know who this other person is and if he’s a leftist agenda-driven saboteur or just an @$$hole fraudster, but one thing you can bet on by this false representation is that his intentions are not good.

If you get a “friend request” from “me,” you didn’t. Report it. I intend to.

And if you have the skills to try and find out who’s behind this (I do not), feel free. I opened up the source code on the avatar thinking that might tell me something, but quickly figured I was in over my head and got lost.

And to anyone who feels inclined to just say “don’t go on social media,” it’s you who’s limiting what weapons you’ll pick up and use, not me.

[Via Dan H]


Crack Facebook moderators quick to pass “community standards” judgment on me for wishing readers “a contemplative Bill of Rights Day” assure me they’ll look into if impersonating me to sucker in victims rises to that level of offense:

Looks like they got it right:

And in a related/unrelated(?) development, WordFence warns me this site is under a concentrated attack:

I’ll let Dr. Evil field this one.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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