FFL Persecuted for Years by FBI and ATF Left to Fend for Himself

In light of Bruen and its “historical understanding” benchmark, it’s difficult to see how an honest legal analysis could continue to support ATF’s vindictive vendetta against Albert Kwan. [More]

What a prolonged and tyrannical outrage. The question now is, does anyone besides a handful of us care?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “FFL Persecuted for Years by FBI and ATF Left to Fend for Himself”

  1. Ask anyone who has run afoul of the American “legal system”. THE PROCESS IS THE PUNISHMENT.
    Even when the system loses it still wins. Even when it’s victims win they still lose. And that intentional.

  2. This looks like government adding to their list of “criminals who don’t look ,act or commit crimes like criminals so you’d least expect them to be criminals yet they are criminals and that’s why we need more restrictive gun control laws”.

  3. Where are the NRA and the Gun Owners of America when you need them. Oh, I get it. Like Biden says about the border “There’s more important things to do.”

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