Felony Gun Ban Points to Unequal Treatment Under Selective Service Law

Conversely, equal treatment under the law demands that any born-biological female now identifying as a man be prosecuted for failure to register. After all, like the Selective Service sign warns, “It’s the law!” [More]

“It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola”? Think again. All this wokeness has resulted in some absurd unintended consequences.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Felony Gun Ban Points to Unequal Treatment Under Selective Service Law”

  1. “It’s the law!”

    An example of the law making no sense in another very controversial topic. This example was brought up in debate in a state legislature. The name of the state escapes me at the moment.

    A woman parks her car across the street from a “family planning clinic” and proceeds to cross the street. If she in unlucky enough to be hit by a car, and the fetus she’s carrying dies as a result, the driver of the car could be on the hook for vehicular homicide. Whereas, if she makes it safely into the clinic, the staff will kill that very same fetus with no legal consequences for the woman or the clinic staff.

    Makes very little sense to most folks. But hey, it’s the law!

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