No background checks til pick-up [More]
So is there a point to this “article” other than to get ignorant readers to draw false conclusions?
Notes from the Resistance
No background checks til pick-up [More]
So is there a point to this “article” other than to get ignorant readers to draw false conclusions?
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It’s magic.
A Illusion
There is no common ground for discussion. They want all guns gone. We hold rights to be immutable and absolute. Alia iacta est, or some bastardized Latin.
Yeah, they’re “so easy” to get.
Until you go to pick them up. Then they’re HARD.
Just ask now-senator Mark Kelly, who bragged that he would show everybody how easy it was… and then failed THREE TIMES when he tried to actually pick up his gun.
A person, including a minor, could order any one of thousands of potentially lethal weapons on Amazon with one click.