Fool’s Errand

Radio Host Argues Why The Second Amendment Has Nothing To Do With Protection From The Government [Watch]

This bloodless Hartmann moron is not only dead wrong on 2A, he’s dead wrong on the architects of the Republic revering “democracy.”

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Fool’s Errand”

  1. I can understand Hartmann not being familiar with Josiah Quincy II’s pamphlet which points out that one of the duties of a well regulated militia (one capable of fulfilling its purpose), was to defend the people from government overreach. For some reason that pamphlet is pretty obscure.

    But two years after Quincy’s pamphlet was published, Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that it was the people’s duty to replace a government that did not protect their rights. If Hartmann isn’t familiar with that language, why would anyone listen to anything he says on the topic?

    OTOH, some listen when Joe Biden says the Second Amendment forbids the private ownership of cannons and some people still listen to him.

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