Option Play

Kansas City Chiefs star quarterback Patrick Mahomes is declining to weigh in on this year’s presidential race, urging voters in a new interview to do their own research before the election. [More]

Good advice.

It does make it fair to ask what kind of moronic citizenship malpractititoner an athlete’s or any celebrity’s political opinion — just because they’re famous — would influence, and I think I answered my own question.

Now ask why it’s deemed “newsworthy.”

The thought strikes as I read further down in the article for as influential as she is with her cult following, I couldn’t name one Taylor Swift song.

[Via bondmen]

Triangle of Madness

Triangle of Sadness director Ruben Östlund: ‘You should need a licence to use a camera – you need one for a gun’ [More]

All you need to know about this overprivileged hive insect:

[T]he double Palme d’Or winner talks about the power of the screen – big and small – and why the next generation will be Marxist

And here’s what his comrades have planned for his native Sweden.

These people just don’t think like anyone normal.

[Via Steve T]

If You See Something Say Something

NBA Legend Charles Barkley Threatens to ‘Punch’ Black Donald Trump Supporters ‘In The Face’ [More]

Y’know, more people die from that than from being shot with “assault weapons”…

And he complains about Trump being rich?

Does somebody want to “red flag” this loud-mouthed, gun-grabbing racist @$$hole?

[Via bondmen]

Ever the Deutsch Bag

Donny Deutsch Lays Out Biden’s Path To Victory: ‘Scare The Sh*t Out Of People’ [More]

What does he think their whole “gun control” strategy has been, and here we are, still armed.

Trotting out a gaggle of oath-breaking Benedict Arnolds is nothing we haven’t seen before either.

I think Donny’s a blustering pu$$y and he’s the one who’s afraid.

[Via Jess]

Nobody Knows the Trouble He’s Seen

“In truth, the entire United States should, by default, become the property of the descendants of slaves,” Howard said. “But since you do not have the ability [or] the courage to do it, let’s try this in court… We’re gonna bring you down.” [More]

You’re welcome.

Doesn’t this entitled, impulse-controlled lottery-winning stage prop have a woman to beat the hell out of or something?

Smellinballs At It Again

I say this as a father and a human being, with deep empathy for the parents whose children have had their lives ended so suddenly and so senselessly: Show America the carnage. I am not being callous, and I know it will be painful to see. But, sad to say, I think it’s the only way to shock America out of its stupor. [More]

You sure you want to do that?

What an ass.

[Via Lawrence P]

Attack of the Evil White Christian Nationalists

A new documentary examines how rising white Christian nationalism in the U.S. could upend democracy and impose theocratic rule at a time when the nation is becoming more diverse and less religious. [More]

Hey, it’s genetic with us, right? Funny, how “born that way” is used as cover for everything else…

Just like the Democrats/DOJ/FBI/DSM wants everyone to believe about people who want to be left alone, while at the same time assuring us the religion imposing theocracy, Islam, is aggressively imported and promoted and “the religion of peace.”

And hey, it’s produced by nepocommie Rob “My precious goo!“Reiner…

[Via bondmen]

Baldwin Indictment is Karma for Gun Prohibitionist Who Made a Point of Being Obnoxious About It

With a history of personal nastiness combined with repeated demands to lay claim to the rights of his countrymen, it’s natural that the targets of Baldwin’s obsession would see the humor in his becoming victim of his own hubris. [More]

Or as Shakespeare wrote, “Hoist with his own petard…”

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