Ghost Guns

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t seen Winchester, a 2018 Hollywood hit piece on guns, and don’t want to know what happens, stop reading now.

I had a chance to watch it last night. I’d been curious to see it since it came out but not enough to pay money for.

It’s based on the real-life crazy heiress to the gun company whose story has been twisted to paint her as compelled to build and tear down senseless additions to her mansion because she was haunted by the spirits of those killed “by” Winchester firearms.

How fitting that such a character was portrayed by crazy anti-gun “movie star” Helen Mirren, firing off military weapons for action picture fame and fortune while simultaneously promoting global citizen disarmament right down to demanding “a total ban of replica guns.”

Naturally, the writers and everyone involved had no problem with the malevolent spirits blaming guns for all the killings, which is actually a pretty good analogy for their malevolent real-life counterparts. I also found it ironic (because the filmmakers didn’t) to see the protagonist, a drug-addicted gunquack, save the day by killing the head ghost with a magic bullet fired from a Winchester rifle.

The stuff that delusions are made of…

It’s Only a Movie…It’s Only a Movie…

We never get tired of watching movies, but we often watch scenes play out that aren’t realistic. Their approach is believable, but the way they go about solving problems defies logic, engineering, and sometimes physics. Take deadbolt locks as an example. When a character shoots a deadbolt lock, it disintegrates and the door busts wide open. It looks good on screen, but what happens when you shoot a deadbolt in real life? [More]

And here I was thinking nobody knows guns like Hollywood.

Jeez, the next thing you’re going to be telling me is experienced operators don’t rack the slide to load a round into the chamber for effect right before springing into action…

At least tell me Angelina Jolie can really curve bullet trajectories…?

Anyway, the featured article with the accompanying video was interesting and fun. If they ever do a follow-up, I’d like to see them address why they shot from a bench at a distance instead of, like TV cops always do, from a couple of inches away.

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