Trump-Endorsed Moreno Laughing at Gun Owners Raises Legitimate Concerns

He doesn’t want to take away guns, but some are “out”? Which ones and why? That’s not “infringing”? Why does he sound like every anti-gunner in the world with the deer cracks? And no private sales? Does this guy even have a clue? [More]

Bernie? You got some ‘splainin’ to do. So does Donald, and JD, and Dave, and Ted, and Rand, and…

McMullin Knows a Thing or Two about Betraying Constitution

When McMullin makes accusations about betraying the Constitution, a dispassionate conclusion would be someone who knows how to do that like a pro is projecting his penchant for betrayal on others for obvious reasons. [More]

It really says something about this moron’s arguments when the best rebuttal to them comes from Pee-wee Herman

On an unrelated note:

Those of you who noticed the site was down all day, I kept getting 504 Gateway Timeout messages– I did all the things I knew how to do on my end, which isn’t much: clearing the cache, restarting, cussing loudly, but ended up calling HostGator tech support who were able to identify that the IP address for the site didn’t match and they did a fix. I don’t know how that happened. That was hours ago and the site is just getting back to where I can access it more often than it times out, so I was able to get in, approve comments and post this promo for my latest AmmoLand article.

Per normal, unless something YUGE happens, I don’t plan on doing updates over the weekend (I will be working on articles behind the scenes and spending a day on the leaves that bury the yard every year around this time). Hopefully, the situation is resolved and any news link tips received Monday won’t be a wasted effort.

Knock on wood.

Violent Political Rhetoric and Extreme Disarmament Agenda Belie Tim Ryan’s ‘Bipartisan Unifier’ Claim

“Some of those answers will come from Republicans, not the extremists that we are dealing with every single day,” Ryan continued, to show how conciliatory he can be. “We’ve got to kill and confront that movement, but working with normal mainstream Republicans, that’s going to be really, really important.” [More]

So if you don’t let radical gun-grabbing Democrats have the final word on who qualifies as a “normal mainstream Republican,” you’re an “extremist.”

Media More Than Happy to Help Republicans Blow ‘Red Wave’

“Losses in Ohio, Georgia, and Pennsylvania would almost certainly doom the GOP’s chances of winning the Senate.” [More]

Democrat media megaphones are ready, willing, and able to amplify and exploit self-inflicted wounds as the Stupid Party continues to demoralize its base.

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