Utah Alert

URGENT ACTION ITEM- SB 83 is a BAD BILL- Urge the Senate Committee to Vote NO on Gun Control- SB 83 by Senator Todd Weiler is another seriously flawed “Safe Storage” scheme. [More]

I don’t know Utah politics or if calling the Democrat on the list or Republican supportsrs of Mitt Romney is a waste of time, but if you’re from there and know the lay of the land, do what you think is best.

I see this Weiler putz is a Vichycon who also supports red flag due process violations.

How is it Utahns keep supporting such frauds?

A Man of Which People?

Never Trump, Democrat, and Mitt Romney donors have swarmed to Utah Speaker of the House Brad Wilson’s campaign for U.S. Senate. [More]

Meanwhile, primary competitor Trent Staggs says:

Given Americans’ clear desire to protect themselves, I reject the idea that the Second Amendment is outdated. Every dictator who has seized power from a free society has first seized their weapons. The people who want to take our guns are the same people responsible for our crime wave.

[Via Michael G]

McMullin Knows a Thing or Two about Betraying Constitution

When McMullin makes accusations about betraying the Constitution, a dispassionate conclusion would be someone who knows how to do that like a pro is projecting his penchant for betrayal on others for obvious reasons. [More]

It really says something about this moron’s arguments when the best rebuttal to them comes from Pee-wee Herman

On an unrelated note:

Those of you who noticed the site was down all day, I kept getting 504 Gateway Timeout messages– I did all the things I knew how to do on my end, which isn’t much: clearing the cache, restarting, cussing loudly, but ended up calling HostGator tech support who were able to identify that the IP address for the site didn’t match and they did a fix. I don’t know how that happened. That was hours ago and the site is just getting back to where I can access it more often than it times out, so I was able to get in, approve comments and post this promo for my latest AmmoLand article.

Per normal, unless something YUGE happens, I don’t plan on doing updates over the weekend (I will be working on articles behind the scenes and spending a day on the leaves that bury the yard every year around this time). Hopefully, the situation is resolved and any news link tips received Monday won’t be a wasted effort.

Knock on wood.

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