Aid and Comfort to the Enemy

Former Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) criticized South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham for predicting violence if former President Donald Trump is indicted but not condemning it. [Watch]

I met this self-serving character at a Gun Rights Policy Conference where we all assumed he was a friend instead of a citizen disarmament-enabling traitor.

It’s interesting he identifies himself as someone who “escaped the MAGA cult.” What a deceptive way of smearing his countrymen who believe in traditional American principles because they foster freedom and prosperity.  This cultist ingrate has just switched over and become an “evangelist” for the dark side.

Happy shooting, kids!

[Via Jess]

Shane! Come Back!

Ozzy Osbourne ‘fed up’ with US gun violence, moving back to UK [More]

The cultural loss will be devastating!

I haven’t been this broken up since Chrissy Teigen said she was quitting Twitter and “taking [her] talents” elsewhere.

I wonder how many people have been murdered by the gangs and cartels in Ozzie’s decades-long drug supply chain…

So… after he tried to strangle his wife, no feminists are going to join me in saying “Good riddance, you f***ing cowardly p**** of s***”?

[Via Sweet Babboo]

The Legion of Superheroes

“Having recently gone through a time of intense crisis, I now understand that I am suffering complex mental health issues…” [More]

Thank you, Captain Obvious!

The other ones either suffering complex mental health issues or just being whores for their jobs are the “Authorized Journalists”  who indulge and encourage such utter nonsense by referring to a singular person as “they.”

And is/are he/they microaggressing against himself/themselves when he/they says/say “I” instead of “we”?

How many spirits does The Guardian’s Australian Deputy Culture Editor think are in there, and why is it there’s never a herd of swine around when you need one?

Meanwhile, back at the farm, it looks like he’s setting things up to become a leading anti-gun spokesman, what with leaving them lying around with kids, and a one-year-old “pick[ing] up a loose bullet [sic] and put[ting] it in her mouth.”

Liz Cheney Turns to Famous ‘Gun Control’ Supporter to Help Her Stay in Power

So it’s no surprise that, desperate not to be humiliatingly kicked to the curb by constituents who have cause to feel betrayed, Cheney is turning to “star power” to manipulate those who do not think too deeply about their duty as citizens to make informed choices. And in this case, she could not have picked a more appropriate celebrity to put the exclamation point on totally turning her back on everything she formerly stood for. [More]

Has someone who will insult her former supporters, embrace her ostensible enemies, and do anything for power ever really meant anything she’s said?

Has Dad?

The Blame Game

Finally, we have one Hollyweird celebrity willing to come out and say so publicly. A recent “Real Time” with Bill Maher’s monologue gave a scathing indictment that Hollyweird has a significant responsibility regarding the cause of gun violence in America. [More]

Funny. I’ve seen all kinds of screen violence over a lifetime and I’ve never let it influence me to commit an act of violence. Ditto with my wife, our sons, our extended families, our friends…

I wouldn’t be turning to Maher for any kind of special insights or wisdom. Even though he pretends to have an intellect worth heeding, the smug little media rodent  ain’t half as perceptive or smart as, say, Mr. Adams in his address to the Massachusetts Militia:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

[Via bondmen]

Who Was That Masked Man?

Armie Hammer is reportedly “totally broke” following the sexual assault and cannibalism fantasy controversy he faced in 2021. [More]

He was the last Lone Ranger. The guy before him apparently liked to get drunk and slap waitresses.

I’ll stick with traditional culture and values, thank you very much:

So not only were children given development-appropriate introductions to guns by adult figures instead of being immersed in hysterical fear and avoidance, they were given training and “commonsense gun safety” lessons…

It’s also back when cereals promoted wholesome activities (even if some of us were prone to being abusive).

As an aside, my brief encounter with the man behind the mask was enough to impress me for a lifetime.

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