Smellinballs At It Again

I say this as a father and a human being, with deep empathy for the parents whose children have had their lives ended so suddenly and so senselessly: Show America the carnage. I am not being callous, and I know it will be painful to see. But, sad to say, I think it’s the only way to shock America out of its stupor. [More]

You sure you want to do that?

What an ass.

[Via Lawrence P]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Smellinballs At It Again”

  1. Something like it has been suggested before.

    Once upon a time, two prominent members of the SDS (Students for Democratic Society) decided that America would never see the War in VietNam in a proper light until American parents saw their children dying at similar rates as children were dying in Viet Nam.

    So they proposed that SDS begin bombing American elementary schools. The proposal was so radical that SDS threw them out, whereupon they started the infamous Weather Underground.

    You can wiki that happy couple, William Ayres and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, but note that one Barack Obama started his political career in their Chicago living room.

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