For Evers and Evers

Gov. Evers creates new violence-prevention office in wake of school shooting [More]

Guaranteed not to prevent one instance of violence because it will be comprised entirely of people who oppose the only proven deterrent…

It’s revealing, how he lies and says citizen disarmament that will bolster a violence monopoly, a blatantly political move, should “transcend politics.”

That and “Violence is a statewide problem” without telling us how many WI communities has zero murders

Ah well, his blood dance got him publicity with stupid Democrat voters who believe he’s “doing something,” which is what this is all about.

[Via Mike F]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “For Evers and Evers”

  1. ‘ Ah well, his blood dance got him publicity with stupid Democrat voters who believe he’s “doing something,” which is what this is all about. ‘

    The Politician’s Syllogism is almost as good as a Catch-22.

    “We must do something
    This is something
    Therefore, we must do this.”

    Doesn’t matter if the major or minor premise have nothing to do with the conclusion. It still sounds good, and that’s the whole point, right?

    They probably should just stick with Venn Diagrams.

    But then again, logic is a branch of mathematics (ref: Boolean Algebra) and is therefore, probably racist as well.

    My Bad!

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