Free Speech is Allowed Speech (with Apologies to Orwell)

The arrest of the 39-year-old technology billionaire prompted on Sunday a warning from Moscow to Paris that he should be accorded his rights and criticism from X owner Elon Musk who said that free speech in Europe was under attack. [More]

Time for the absolutist weirdos to come crawling out…

Why is it in my interest to risk WW3 defending fascist Europe again…?

Tangentially Related UPDATE

A teenager who marched outside an North Yorkshire Islamic centre with firelighters in his pocket while waving an England flag is going to “lose everything because of one night of stupid behaviour,” a court heard. [More]

Yeah, waving an English flag is pretty stupid.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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