Friend of the Devil

Michigan Democrat Staffer Poses With Picture of ‘Sexy’ Satanic Statue [More]

Friends with benefits…?

You could ask “What’s wrong with these people?” but the best answer you’re likely to get is is “They’re Democrats.”

Besides, what do you expect from Gretchen Whitmer supporters?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Friend of the Devil”

  1. We must accept the very ugly reality that evil is real, it exists and we simply cannot coexist with it.
    Once you grasp that reality the only rational course we face is to eliminate the evil, by whatever method is required. We fail to do that first and foremost because we are cowards. We shirk from doing the needful. The truth is often unpleasant, but it is still the truth.

  2. One of my favorite movies is the original 1951 “The Day the Earth Stood Still” with Patricia Neal and Michael Rennie.

    In an early scene people are sitting around the breakfast table in a rooming house discussing the newspapers when one says, “People, my foot! They’re Democrats.”

    Klaatu Barada Nikto!

    1. I agree it’s a compelling and original film, but ulitimately I found that movie subversive. The choice the alien invader left us was to give up sovereignty to the Space UN or planetary genocide.

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