From the ‘Australia’s a Lot Safer After the Gun Ban’ Crowd

UN personnel have complete immunity if they come knocking on your door with a syringe or AK47 [More]

Contemptible people don’t get a say.

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “From the ‘Australia’s a Lot Safer After the Gun Ban’ Crowd”

  1. “Once elected I will be a vegetarian!” — Wolf

    Love it!

    If you were ever going to be a vegetarian, why aren’t you one now?

    “She was never that Kamala Harris!

    She never believed those things.

    Just joyfully vote her into office and you’ll see the Kamala Harris she’s always been.”


    She’s the same Kamala Harris who made her entry onto the political stage by first having an affair with a married man. Yes, real people have affairs. But those who do reveal to the rest of us that they have no honor.

    The Kamala Harris that got into politics by showing that side of herself is the Kamala Harris who’s running for president today. She’s not going to magically morph into someone else between now and her next press conference if it ever occurs.

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