From the Same People Who Want You Disarmed

Mass incarceration deepens inequality, makes us less safe, report says [More]

Only if you let ’em out before they can be trusted

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “From the Same People Who Want You Disarmed”

  1. If it was people who legally owned guns being mass incarcerated I guarantee their tune would change.

  2. Miami area had it’s share of riots in the 1970s and 1980s so I’m not really clear on which riot caused the following scene. My wife was working at Mercy Hospital in Coconut Grove. One of the riot hot spots was squarely between her work and our home in Coral Gables. By quitting time there was no safe way to make that trip. One of her co-workers, a Russian speaking Jew from Uzbekistan who was frantic trying to figure out how to get home safely said “Where are the tanks? Why don’t they just shoot them?”

    “Because that’s not how we do it here.” didn’t seem like the answer she was looking for, and just raised other questions. But I’ll always remember her terrified little voice “Why don’t they just shoot them?”

    Bottom line, if the bad guys won’t behave, and the Left won’t let us incarcerate them, a lot of good people will be asking themselves “Why don’t we just shoot them?”

    In the end, prison might be the best place to put those who won’t behave as expected in a polite society, for our protection and theirs.

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