Getting a Head with MAGA

In the footage, Mohn claims he is the commander of America’s network of militias as he rants against migrants, the Biden administration, the LBGTQ community, Black Lives Matter and “far-left woke mobs,” while calling for the slaughter and public execution of FBI agents, IRS employees, US Marshals, federal judges, border control officers and more “for betraying their country.” [More]

Chris and Merrick say “Finally! Now why couldn’t he have used an AR…?

Tell me everybody who knew him didn’t know he was delusional and dangerous.

I wonder how long it’s been since he stopped identifying as a Democrat…?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Getting a Head with MAGA”

  1. Odds are good he’s been groomed and encouraged by a Fed agent. Instead of seeking mental health care for wackos posting on the Internet the Feds try to recruit and incentives them to act out. If only one percent of these Internet warriors actually snaps and acts out it’s money well spent in the eyes of the people in power.

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