Giving Up the Ghost

The Country’s Biggest Ghost Gun Manufacturer Has Shuttered [More]

C’mon, Bloomberg/Trace: Take credit for your part in it, along with the virtually unlimited special interest war chest these makers of a legal product, supposedly protected by the Second Amendment, just could not withstand.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Giving Up the Ghost”

  1. The Trace article beyond reporting the temporary demise of Polymer80 is full of BS which will miss-inform those who don’t know how to evaluate the constitutionality of firearms regulations as spelled out in Heller & Bruen or are aware that 2016’s Caetano v. MA quantifies the minimum quantity possessed by the people for an arm to be “in common use for lawful purposes”.
    Heller defines the process & Bruen reinforces the process.
    1. The plaintiff’s burden is to show the regulation implicates the 2nd Amendment text. “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” The proper meaning of the text is that in 1792 when the amendment was ratified. Both Samuel Johnson an Englishman & Daniel Webster an American were the lexicographers of the day. The period meaning of the text is owning & carrying devices for defensive and/or offensive purposes shall not be hindered. This is extremely easy to prove.
    2. The states burden is to prove the arm banned is BOTH Dangerous & Unusual. If not the arm is in common use for “lawful purposes”. Heller doesn’t define lawful purposes exclusively as self defense, which is the favorite rhetorical trick of anti 2A judges & attorneys.
    The article implies that the lawsuit was withdrawn by the plaintiff because the NSSF wouldn’t allow the author of a study re. ubiquity of magazines with capacity exceeding 15. Unless the judge asked the plaintiff to respond to the defendant asserting there as less than 200,000* magazines with capacity of 15 or more cartridges there is no requirement for the plaintiff in an arms ban case to prove the arm isn’t unusual. Or the judge’s comprehension of both Heller & Bruen is WRONG.
    *The quantity 200,000 comes from Caetano v. MA which declared electronic defensive devices, stun guns are protected arms.

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