Going with What Works

A right-wing sheriffs group that challenges federal law is gaining acceptance around the country [More]

Can’t have these upstarts thinking their are orders they don’t have to obey, so it’s time to pull an Oath Keepers on them: Demonize them as militia racists then pump the conflation up to full-blown domestic terrorists followed by trumped-up conspiracy charges, arrests and sentences.

It’s not like the DSM will do anything but cheerlead, with rabid “progressives” on social media laughing at “traitors” getting what they asked for.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Going with What Works”

  1. We have a CSPOA rep who floats around the NW Phoenix valley. He’s n invaluable resource who teaches courses in the constitution twice a month in our town to our older residents and retailers. That’s why this happened there, and practically nowhere else. Three restaurants stood up and said NO. The town huffed and bluffed, but the shopkeepers won in the end.

  2. Odd thing is, with but few exceptions, County Sheriffs are directly elected by the voters. They’re one of the true examples of “democracy” in action in our mixed mode Republic.

    And yet the anti-gun left claims to be all for democracy while trying to demonize County Sheriffs.

    Maybe we should see what Yul thinks.

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