4 thoughts on “Grey Flag Laws”

  1. I’ve often thought that a battalion of dementia patients with nothing to loose could solve the traitor problem and fix .gov for their posterity.

  2. Magical thinking at play here. If these people are so dangerous, why are they free to roam among us unrestricted? What is to keep them from driving a motor vehicle through and over a group of school children waiting for a bus? What is to keep them from kitchen knife slashing crowds at the mall? Access to a can of lawn mower gasoline taken from an open garage, spread on the ground and ignited at the base of a dance hall stairway can also poses a threat. The tool used is not the problem. The person wielding the tool with ill intent acting without restriction is the problem.

  3. “The possibility that persons with dementia possess firearms is cause for concern”
    When they take the nuclear football away from Joe, wake me up.

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